What is CEX, and what services does it offer?

CEX is a centralized exchange platform providing cryptocurrency trading, token launchpads, staking opportunities, and secure wallet services. MExchange is centralized exchange focused on memecoin trading.


Is KYC verification mandatory to use MExchange?

Yes, KYC verification is required to comply with regulatory standards and to access features such as trading and withdrawals, launchpad commit.


How do I enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?

Go to the Account Settings, turn on the 2FA authentication and follow the steps to enable 2FA using Google Authenticator or another supported app.


What are the trading fees on MExchange?

Visit the Fee Structure section in the docs for detailed information.


How long does it take to process deposits and withdrawals?

Deposits and withdrawals depend on the blockchain network's speed. Delays may occur during network congestion.


Can I cancel an ongoing trade?

Open orders can be canceled from the Open Orders section before they are executed. Completed trades cannot be reversed.


How do I participate in a launchpad?

Navigate to the Launchpad menu, select an ongoing project, and commit funds during the commitment period, and review rewards in your Launchpad History section in Wallet tab .


What should I do if my withdrawal fails?

Check if you entered the correct wallet address and ensure you meet the minimum withdrawal amount. Contact support if the issue remains unresolved.


How can I resolve a KYC verification failure?

Ensure that the documents you provided are clear and valid. Check for any discrepancies in the information and resubmit your application.

Last updated